Aya Fiber Studio | fiberart workshops

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New Fabrics

This has been a busy week! 

I spent most of last week getting fabrics ready for the indigo vat and I have spent the last 3 days creating beautiful blue fabrics using several shibori techniques.

I used Tied -resist designs:Me-maki shibori is one of the simplest forms of tied resist where the thread is used to pattern the cloth. Marbles, clothes pins and rocks make great patterns.

The Honeycomb pattern is not strictly traditional shibori, but the fabric that results has a three dimensional effect with a graduated dyed effect.

I also attempted several Stitched-resist designs.

Mokume shibori is one of my favorites. It is time consuming but I love the wood grain effect. I used alot of Ori-nui shibori. This is a running stitch. You can fold a single fold or a double fold. the double fold will create a pattern some call horses teeth. I also tried Mak-nui shibori, or oversewn stitching; I drew images of a starfish and a conch shell and used the Maki-nui design to create images on my cloth.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a DVD by an Lisa Hedstrom called STITCH RESIST RECONSIDERED. This was a great DVD and I am anxious to order the companion DVD on Arashi Shibori. In this video Ana Lisa demonstrates hand stitching methods and techniques to create different designs on cloth. In the 2nd video, she demonstrated using the sewing machine to produce a more contemporary stitch resist. I made 2 different piece using this machine technique, one on cotton and the other on linen. It was very interesting how the different fabrics reacted to the process and the way the dyes took to each.

In the studio, I have been adding metallic linen to some of my new pieces; now that the fabrics have all been dyed, washed and ironed it is time to play. Now it is time to create new items for holiday inventory! I have new ideas for Bags and Accessories, some fabulous art-to-wear ideas, new linen ordered for duvet covers, table runners and napkins. down pillow inserts are waiting to be covered.  time to create!